Monday, June 19, 2023

Features of Morgan Firemaster Fastwrap XL

Morgan advanced materials are specialized in intelligently engineered Thermal Ceramics supply, in addition to fire protection insulation solutions, across several industries and market sectors. Morgan is an expert in providing passive fire protection. FastWrap XL is the new FastWrap product for fire-rated ductwork insulation and has been specifically developed in order to provide optimum performance for air ventilation ductwork and commercial grease worldwide.

Thermal Ceramics is a leading global manufacturer of high-temperature insulation products. They have provided efficient heat containment solutions and were among the first to be involved in the development of flexible fire-resistive duct enclosures for commercial kitchen grease and air ventilation ducts under the title ‘FireMaster’.

Thermal Ceramics has a wide range of performance testing that exceeds the minimum lab listings and code requirements, thereby ensuring fire containment for duct designs across all levels of complexity without theorizing. 

FireMaster® FastWrap XL is a flexible blanket composed of high-temperature fibers classified for applications to 2192°F (1200°C) and fully encapsulated in a durable glass fiber reinforced foil facing for easy handling and installation. FastWrap XL is UL and ULC Listed for 1 and 2-hour fire-resistive enclosure protection, zero clearance for kitchen exhaust duct, electrical circuit protection, and as a component in UL firestop designs for fire resistance rated floors, ceilings, and walls. The core fibers in FastWrap XL are manufactured using Morgan Thermal Ceramics patented Superwool® fiber which is an alkaline-earth silicate wool with low bio persistence and therefore increased safety for installers. FastWrap XL is under UL’s Follow-Up Service Program to ensure the consistent quality essential to this life-safety application.

 Listed below are some salient features of the Morgan FireMaster FastWrap XL:

  1. High-temperature fire-rated solutions of up to 1200-degree Celcius, or 2192 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. UL listed kitchen duct insulation
  3. 2-hour fire-rated duct insulation and zero-clearance protection of grease ducts per ASTM E2336 fire-rated enclosure system
  4. Compliance with NFPA 96 (National Fire Protection Association) duct insulation standards
  5. UL Environment verification of low/no VOCs and mold resistance
  6. Complete encapsulation in reinforced aluminum facings for ease of installation and handling
  7. Lower than 50/25 smoke and flame rating (ASTM e84)
  8. Patented low bio-persistent fibers for safe handling
  9. 38 mm thick fire wrap duct insulation
  10. High-temperature insulation
  11. Does not age, get brittle or shrink while in service

Looking to invest in Morgan FireMaster FastWrap XL? Get in touch with Bin Dasmal General Trading today. Among the leading distributors of fire wrap duct insulation in the UAE, Bin Dasmal General Trading is sure to assist you with your fire-rated enclosure system needs.

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